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In this 8th house  master class, we will discuss the intricate link between psychology, sexuality and spirituality. I will teach how these 3 principles all represent the same energy just expressed in different ways. We will take a deeper look at our own psyches to see what may lie hidden in our subconscious and how we can release ourselves from any blockages that may hinder us. We will talk about the bdsm styles of  being "Dominant" vs "Submissive" and how this relates to our personal power and psychological needs.


Some of the key points that you will learn in this class:


- How to own your power by understanding your psychological make up


- If you are considered to be passive or dominant and how that can help you navigate your life circumstances


- How to build authentic confidence by owning all your insecurities /traumas


- What makes you attractive from an energetic level


- How to transform any blockage into success 


This was a live class that was recorded. You will receive an email with the link and any class materials.


*Please allow up to 72 hours to receive the link to your email during a sale


Must be  18 and up to watch the show

Psychology + Sexuality + Spirituality

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